Tuesday, July 10, 2007

EARLY in the Night

I am dreading my run today. I did wake up at like 5.00 am in the morning coz I decided to be brave and go run in the morning.... But when my alarm rang at that time of the night [yes, its still night for most sane ppl], i though my automatic movement of fingers over the stop alarm button was fascinating.. my brains did not instruct my hands to do that... my hands just did it for me... i though that was a precious gesture by my fingers and decided to comply... I went back to my draculla dream in my old high school gym / pool setup... [dont ask y...it was my dream] .... slept sound till 7.00am and got to work after...

damn, now listening to all my fellow runners winning about the heat outside my brains have decided not to listen to my hands again. I cant believe I have to run 5 miles on a 95deg day.... but I will ... SPARTAN!!!!

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